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发布时间:2024-06-10 07:15   浏览次数:次   作者:佚名
另一方面,專家認為有利於小型、新創或成長型公司 的研究和開發系統不完善
On the other hand they say that there is no system to transfer to startups and growing enterprises newly researched and developed technologies.
在发展中国家, 人才资源和财政资源匮乏,法律体系 不完善 效运行知识产权制度的机会成本是不低 的。
In developing countries, where human and financial resources are scarce, and legal systems not well developed, the opportunity costs of operating the system effectively are high.
[...] 是:生活水平低,经济发展水平落后,欠发 达,交通基础设不完善 没有经济增长 的抓手。
These voivodships are characterised by: low living [...]
standards; a low dynamic of economic development; poorly developed, inadequate
transport infrastructure and insufficient growth factors.
在 “因素,”之後加上“加上雷曼事件、精明債券事件及中信泰富事 件,揭示從公司管治到銷售金融零售產品,香港的金融體系各環
[...] 並讓所培養的人才充分理解金融市場運作及相關金融產品,向有 意投資金融產品的消費者解述產品詳情,”;及在緊接句號之前加 上 “;本會並呼籲所有因金融體 不完善 響的市民在7月 1日展 示力量,提出以上訴求”。
To add "coupled with the fact that the Lehman Brothers incident, the Octave Notes incident and the CITIC Pacific incident have revealed that from corporate governance to the sale of retail financial products, those in the various sectors of Hong Kong's financial system all have to be better equipped," after "situation,"; to add ", improve corporate governance, and enable the trained personnel to fully understand the operation of the financial market and the relevant financial products, and to explain to the consumers who intend to invest in financial products the details of the products concerned" after "resources"; and to add "; and
this Council also appeals
[...] to all the people affected by the deficiencies of the financial system to voice out [...]
the above requests
by demonstrating their power on 1 July" immediately before the full stop.
在以下方面存在 薄弱之处:项目监测和监督(15 个办事处);资产管理(例如,未对资产进行实物 存货、Atlas
中未记录非资本资产,以及未妥善处置陈旧资产)(13 个办事处); 对支付问题的处理(11
[...] 个办事处);差旅管理(例如,差旅报销申 不完善及 差旅报销申请无证明)(10 个办事处);休假和出勤记录(8 [...]
个办事处);对特别服 务协定的管理(7 个办事处);征聘过程(7
个办事处);供应商管理(6 个办事处); 账户代码的使用(6 个办事处);以及电子采购的使用(5 个办事处)。
These are weaknesses in: project monitoring and oversight (15 offices); asset management (e.g. physical inventory of assets not performed, non-capital assets not recorded in Atlas and obsolete assets not properly disposed of) (13 offices); processing of payment (11
offices); travel management (e.g.
[...] travel claims not completed and travel claims [...]
not supported) (10 offices); leave and attendance
records (8 offices); management of special service agreements (7 offices); recruitment process (7 offices); vendor management (6 offices); use of account codes (6 offices); and use of e-procurement (5 offices).
然而,信息与传播技术融入教育的问题继续面临 多种挑战,其中包括缺乏相应的政策框架、基础设 不完善 地语言内容不足以及教师能 力不足等。
However, ICT integration in education continues to face numerous challenges, including the lack of appropriate policy frameworks, lack of access to infrastructure, insufficient local language content and capacity among teachers.
由于启动电路的部分电阻来自于启动设备,因此,在启 动装不完善 况下进行启动将不利于启动力矩的形成,而且会导致压缩机启动绕组升温过快,导致损 坏。
Since part of the starting circuit resistance
lies in the starting device,
[...] start without the complete starting device [...]
does not provide good starting torque and may result
in a very quick heating of the compressor start winding, causing it to be damaged.
优势是可实时获取观测资料,数据库规模较小,即便是在通信系 不完善 区也能轻松分配信息。
The advantages are real-time access to
observations, smaller databases and ease of information
[...] distribution, even in areas not well served by communications [...]
政府提出開徵銷售稅的建議,然後發表諮詢文件,這樣做 不完善 須 委任一個特別委員會詳加探討,衡量開徵銷售稅的利與弊,以及考慮其他可行的辦法。
The Government should appoint a special committee to examine the issue, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of imposing a sales tax and looking at other feasible alternatives.
第四,D或系 Beza
[...] 手稿,是所谓的,因为它属于改革者贝萨,谁发现了寺院的里昂圣爱任纽在它在公元1562年, 不完善 并在第六世纪日期。
The fourth, D, or the manuscript of Beza, was so called because it belonged to the reformer
Beza, who found it in the monastery of St. Irenaeus at Lyons
[...] in 1562 AD It is imperfect, and is dated in [...]
the sixth century.
选举可能不完善 将来可以而且会得到改进。
While the
[...] elections may not have been perfect, improvements could and [...]
would be made in the future.
一些學者,如威廉爵士瓊斯宣稱,這是一個拙劣的偽造現代帕西神父,和這個問題是有爭議的半世紀之前,事先研究報告中提出的梵文和比較語言學決定此事,並證實了真實性的聖經和價值安克蒂爾的工作,雖然他的翻譯,作為第一次嘗試,是必然 不完善 多方面。
Some scholars, like Sir William Jones, declared that it was a clumsy forgery of modern Parsee priests, and the question was disputed for half a century until the advance made in the study of Sanskrit and comparative philology decided the matter and vindicated the genuineness of the scriptures and
the value of Anquetil's work, although his translation, as a first attempt,
[...] was necessarily, imperfect in many respects.
[...] 面遇到困难;该国最高当局最近发表了承认维护者在该国合法工作的令人鼓舞的 声明;该国政府为维护者采取 不完善 施;早期预警系统的不足之处;应对 当前有罪不罚现象的不足之处;以及为打击非法情报活动所采取的初步行动。
She presents: the difficulties faced by the Government in adopting a national human rights action plan owing to a derailed dialogue with civil society; recent encouraging statements by the highest authorities in the
country in recognizing the legitimate work
[...] of defenders; the imperfect protective measures [...]
taken by the Government for defenders;
the deficiencies in the early warning system; the insufficient response to the prevailing impunity; and the preliminary action taken against the illegal intelligence activities.
各国报告的可接受性是个非常棘手和复杂的问题,因为根据第 104 EX/3.3 号决定制定 的标准和后续决议不够明晰且必须复审,使其能够考虑到当前的形势并对委员会工作方法上 存在不完善加以修正。
The admissibility of communications is an extremely delicate and complex matter, given that the criteria laid down pursuant to 104 EX/Decision 3.3 and subsequent decisions are not sufficiently clear and are in need of revision in order to ensure that they satisfy current realities and the defects to be addressed engendered by the working practices of the Committee.
經過多年來的實地觀察和訪問,筆者得出一個結論:台灣的民主制度雖然表面上發展迅速,但內裏配套 不完善 理想的華人民主社會尚有一段距離。
After many years' on-the-spot observation and interviews, the author has come to a conclusion: On the surface, the democratic system in Taiwan has
developed rapidly, yet, the support
[...] mechanisms within are incomplete and they are far [...]
away from the ideal Chinese democratic society.
这 34 项建议多数的直接起因是:工作人员对儿基会监管框架的理解不足,
[...] 管理部门对内部控制运作监督不足,筹资无法预测,工作流 不完善,办事处以应急模式办公。
The immediate causes of most of the 34 recommendations were: inadequate staff understanding of the regulatory framework of UNICEF; inadequate monitoring by management of the functioning of internal controls;
unpredictability of funding;
[...] inadequate workflows and insufficient monitoring; and offices [...]
operating in emergency modes.
海洋与淡水湿地可提供包括鱼类在内的众多价值(方 框 5.5),但人们对湿地的态度仍不明确、管理也 不完善
Marine and freshwater wetlands supply many values (Box 5.5) including fish, but attitudes to wetlands remain ambiguous and management is patchy.
令代表们担忧的是,由于在生产资料的获取上存在不公平现象,对先进耕作 技术的创新和调整迟缓,销售基础设 不完善 农业的发展支持和公共开支减少 等因素,农业生产率的增长速度继续呈缓慢趋势。
Delegates were concerned that agricultural productivity growth continued to decline as a result of inequitable access to productive assets, slow innovation and adaptation of advanced farming technologies, inadequate marketing infrastructure, and declining development assistance and public spending for agriculture.
在尼日利亚,卫生基础设不完善 且有关小儿麻痹症疫苗副作用的谣言四处散播,因此造成小儿麻痹症病毒肆虐。
There, weak health infrastructure and widespread rumours about vaccine side effects contributed to the spread of the crippling virus.
增长基础狭窄、 人口快速增加以及劳动力市不完善 着,非洲的增长一直没有达到创造充分 就业和减贫所需要的水平。
The narrow growth base, rapid population growth and labour market imperfections imply that Africa’s growth rates have consistently fallen behind the growth rate needed to create adequate employment and reduce poverty.
秘书长的报告(A/64/640)低于预期,因为报告未 能回应大会第 63/276
[...] 决议提出的具体问题,拟议的 联合国问责制度不完善
The Secretary-General’s report (A/64/640) fell short of expectations in that it did not respond to the specific
issues set out in General Assembly resolution 63/276 or present an adequate accountability
[...] system for the United Nations.
虽然到底选择哪个适应备选办法不可能只依赖成本―― 收益评估,但是已经 证明,成本和收益分析不完善 为决策制定者提供了重要和有用的信息。
Although the choice of one adaptation option over another is not likely to be based on a pure cost–benefit assessment, it has been shown that
an analysis of the costs and
[...] benefits, even if it is incomplete, provides important [...]
and useful information to the decision maker.
根据从有关登记簿和与警务人员的访谈得到的信息,防范酷刑小组委员会 得出结论:现有拘留登记制不完善 当监测被拘留者的进出情况和对程 序保障的遵守情况。
On the basis of the information derived from the corresponding registers and from interviews with police personnel, the SPT concludes that the detention register system as it exists at present is inadequate and does not allow for proper monitoring of the arrivals and departures of detainees nor of compliance with procedural safeguards.
国家一级的粮食价格仍然不稳定,其原因包括市场一 不完善 生物燃料 的需求和一些限制粮食供应的因素,例如农业投入成本上升、信贷不足以及土壤 [...]
Food prices at the country level have remained volatile owing to the
[...] persistence of imperfect markets, the demand [...]
for biofuels and several supply side
constraints such as rising costs of farm inputs, lack of credit and falling soil productivity.
BioInitiative Report的共同作者、纽约州伦斯勒奥尔巴尼大学卫生与环境学院院长、医学博士/公共卫生硕士David
[...] Carpenter称:“虽然这项研究不完善 是我们必须把研究中提到的风险作为一项警告慎重对待,我们必须限制手机使用,尤其是限制儿童使用手机,同时我们还要呼吁手机厂商重新设计手机和PDA产品。
David Carpenter MD MPH, BioInitiative Report co-editor and Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at University at
Albany, Rensselaer, NY says that, "While
[...] this study is not perfect, the risks documented [...]
in it must be taken seriously as
a warning to limit cell phone use, to restrict the use of cell phones, especially by children, and to call on manufacturers for redesign of cell phones and PDAs.
因此,乌干达代表团请求确认,在该项下拟 议的 80 787 000 美元足以解决非索特派团由于当前 自不完善 施和基础设施而面临的安全威胁。
It would therefore be seeking confirmation that the $80,787,000 proposed under that item would be sufficient to address the security threats faced by AMISOM as a result of its currently inadequate facilities and infrastructure.
[...] 確詮釋,尤其是有關業務、企業及證券法律方面的詮釋;(v)司法未能獨立於政治、社會及商業力量;及(vi)破產程序 不完善能被濫用。
The legal system in Mongolia has inherent uncertainties that could limit the legal protections available to the Company, which include: (i) inconsistencies between laws; (ii) limited judicial and administrative guidance on interpreting Mongolian legislation; (iii) substantial gaps in the regulatory structure due to delay or absence of implementing regulations; (iv) the lack of established interpretations of new principles of Mongolian legislation, particularly those relating to business, corporate and securities laws; (v) a lack of judicial independence from
political, social and commercial forces; and (vi) bankruptcy
[...] procedures that are not well developed and are subject [...]
to abuse.
Dmitriev 先生表示同意,并强调,注重成果的治理是极其消耗能力的概念;他还说,在制 不完善 则执行得比较弱或者被忽视、资源贫乏的地方,不应过分强调制度 和规则执行的影响。
Mr. Dmitriev concurred, emphasizing that governance for results was an extremely capacityconsuming concept, and added that one should not overemphasize the impact of institutions and rule enforcement where those were weak or ignored and resources were meagre.
归根到底,如果提供给特派团的资金不足、 组织安不完善 任务执行不充分,那么为此付出 代价的正是我们试图帮助稳定其局势的国家和我们 要努力保护的平民。
Ultimately, the countries we are trying to help stabilize and the civilians we are trying to protect, pay the price of our inadequate financing, organizing and executing of these missions.
我们希望新的工具可以提高工作效率,所有的新 工具都会不完善 方,我们希望得到您的评 论,我们将会很感激您的意见并作出相应的改 进。
The new tool hopefully contributes to a more efficient way of working. As all new tools have their little mistakes we are relying on your observations and comments, all of them will be gratefully received and used for improvement.
